Grades are earned, not given. Extra credit opportunities will be available to the entire class. Grades are cumulative on a semester basis. Grades can be viewed at any time via Skyward, and are updated frequently. I follow the UISD Grading Guideline Policy.
*Assignments: In my class the students who are not satisfied with their grade, will have ONE opportunity to redo an assignment EXCEPT exams*, the MidTerm* & Final Exam*. Whatever the student earns in the REDO IS the GRADE for the assignment. The student however must keep in mind the following rules to this: 1. The REDO MUST be completed within ONE WEEK and 2, it MUST be completed during the student’s OWN time. The assignments do close at the week mark and there are no PAW and/or Recovery Packets. *Exam Make-ups are only available as per UISD Grading Policy and can only receive a maximum grade of 70.
Multipliers will be applied to assignments throughout each semester to reflect the cumulative nature of the course. There is no individual extra credit or extra credit at the end of the semester to raise a borderline grade and I do not grade on a curve. Please do not ask me to raise your grade for no reason at the end of the semester: work hard and do your work all semester long.
Are provided as per district policy but only to those students who meet the criteria for the exemption.
Cumulative Average Absences (excused or unexcused)
90 or above average No more than 3 absences
80 or above average No more than 2 absences
78 or above average No more than 1 absence